Easy to play games for the young and those young at heart!
Arrow Girl - This is actually a very simple game … a simple aim and shoot game. The scene is not so elaborate as GOW, just a simple green grass background within a circle. Player needs to shoot as many animals possible using an arrow- but if you play well you are able to shoot with several arrows at one time, killing all the animals that come within the shooting range. Or you may get protection wall around you, preventing you from being charge or hit at.
Every hit guarantees 20 to 100 combo points (but some even double that combo points)…depending on what animals you shoot at…eg…you score more if you hit an ox or fox, cos they charge at you faster than say a frog or a cat. You have to move around using the mouse and shoot using the LMB…and be alert at all time cos the animals may charge at you from all directions. After playing for few rounds I find that it is better to shoot the animals when you are by their sides, not front…cos the target is wider.
This may be a simple game(some may say only suitable for younger group of gamers) but it is a fun game to play, I have to get my aiming right before letting go the arrow, at the same time run around the field to avoid being hit or charge by the animals. At times, clouds may appear to distract you, so just ignore them and focus on the animals that came charging at you and standby your weapon to shoot. This game only allows you to see the action from top view only.
Flyworking - This is yet another simple game…but this time round you do not need your mouse to play, just use the space bar. You are caught in between two steep rocky walls. Your task is to climb up by jumping from one wall to another to reach the top. (Not sure what is at the top because I have failed in my attempt to reach up there, for laughing out loud – think my son can do better…ha-ha). You have to be quick and precise in this game.
There is an arrow showing the direction of jump. You have to be really fast with your fingers to press at the right time so that you get the ‘’right’’ jump…you will be prompt as to whether you have made a nice or perfect jump. If you press when the arrow is pointing upwards and not at direction of walls you will fall down and that’s the end of the game. Fast and quite addictive….but bewares of that flying chicken! Quite distracting…don’t get hit by it!
Hidden Game - This is actually spot the difference game. It comes in stages….from stage 1 to 5. I have not actually reached stage 5…still struggling to clear stage 3. I find that the images or illustrations are so so good and very intricate: that you have hard time finding the difference…if you are not sharp enough in the eye. And you have to really zoom in on the illustrations before spotting any difference at all. It can be very irritating and frustrating if you are not able to spot any especially when the timer indicator moves as fast as your eyeballs.
You need to spot 5 differences in all within a minute or so…If you fail you will have to repeat the whole stage again with different illustrations. You will be given scores after clearing each stages. Just remember not to click and mark as you like because scores will be deducted for inaccurate marking. I really admired the artists that did the illustrations …they have done a very good job. I find it tough to spot the difference. The sound effect is simple but the man’s voice at the end of failed ‘mission’ can be very haunting …
Runner - This game is similar as those earlier versions of Super Mario brothers’ games. All you need to do is to jump and collect points and at the same time avoid the obstacles…in this case the obstacles are in the form of a cliff in between the running path (avoid falling down the sea), a big dog, a cat, a charging bull or ox, a flying chicken etc etc. The runner is automatically set to run to the right direction…. just needs to press LMB to make the runner jump up. I find the position of runner to the right side of screen a bit too close cos this gives the runner less time to react and avoid any sudden obstacles that may come forward without warning. But that’s the challenge, I think. A very fast game and will make you want to play more of it…simple graphics with very irritating sound effects….
Korean language is used here to explain how the games are played. In general the games are easy to play. Players can quickly figure out what the games are all about even without any explanation in English.
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